Ashlee Muhammad

Ashlee Muhammad
Carry Your Day

Ashlee Muhammad

Stylist, Designer, & Self-Love Enthusiast

You've probably seen her work without even knowing it. Ashlee Muhammad is the powerhouse style consultant behind many of the iconic looks that emerge from 5001 Flavors, the famed Bronx-based studio that wardrobes everyone from musicians, to professional athletes, to, yes — even Beyoncé. In her spare time, she also co-hosts the Happy Ever Muhammad podcast, and is the creator of #BeEyeConic, a social movement advocating the importance of women's self-esteem. See how she fits it all into her day (and her Metro Tote).

6:00 AM

My husband is on this kick — I think he read something somewhere that all successful people wake up at five in the morning. So, he gets up at that time, and then he wakes me up about 6:00 AM. There's usually about four little feet in my bed around then — our twins Jetson and Nova (they're four years old) — so that helps me get up, too. Usually for breakfast I just have a cup of tea or a smoothie. I actually love breakfast, but my mornings are so busy I just don't have time. I'm out the door by 8:00 AM to take the boys to school, then I go to work. I'm in a close partnership with a company called 5001 Flavors (they make custom clothing and accessories for celebrities, music videos, TV, films…), so I'll head to their loft in the Bronx.

Morning routine

11:00 AM

While I'm at the loft, there's a lot to do. I look for different inspirations, talk to our tailors, go over what's going to be made for that day. Around 11:00 AM I head down to the Garment District in Manhattan to buy whatever fabric we need for the day. There's so many different fabric stores I love down there, like Mood. They have a "famous" shop dog called Swatch — I just had him on my Instagram stories! After that, I bring the fabric back to the loft and have lunch (we try to stay on the healthier side of things, like grilled chicken or a turkey burger). Then I'll run whatever errands I have for the day — I'll meet up with clients or shop for them — I go everywhere, from Barney's to Zara, it just depends on the client's budget. I love it.

Work at the loft

8:00 PM

I usually head back home around 6:00 PM. When I come in, it's homework time, and then we get the kids ready for dinner, bath and bed. For dinner, we've been doing subscription meal kits — we really enjoy it. It cuts out having to go to the supermarket. The kids are adventurous eaters, so that makes things a little easier. The boys go to bed around 8:00 PM, but they do not go down easy! They're always trying to play with each other, so it takes them a while to actually fall asleep. It's very important that my husband and I get some time just to be with each other. We designate an hour to watch a show, catch up on each other's days, whatever we feel like doing. We try to be very specific about going to bed at a certain time, usually around 10:00 PM. We're both usually right out because of our full days.

Evening routine Family time